가끔 webstudio에 들어갔을 때 'Could not find post-Forge dimensions in your instance configuration' 라는 메시지를 보이며 rule manager나 page builder가 보이지 않을 때가 있다. --_-;
난감하다.. 원인은 잘 모르겠다. 왜그런지.. ㅋ

In some cases, accessing the Rule Manager or Dimension Order pages of Merchandising Workbench may display an error about missing dimensions, such as: Could not find post-Forge dimensions in your instance configuration.

This error occurs when Merchandising Workbench refers to automatically generated dimension values that are not stored with the instance configuration in Merchandising Workbench. To resolve this error, upload the post-Forge dimensions file to Merchandising Workbench.

To upload the post-Forge dimensions file to Merchandising Workbench, use either of the following approaches:

  • Run the BaselineUpdate script from the Deployment Template (appdir/control/baseline_update.bat or baseline_update.sh). If Workbench integration is enabled for the Deployment Template, the default BaselineUpdate script updates the Merchandising Workbench with the post-Forge dimensions generated by the update. For more information about using the Deployment Template or about its handling of post-Forge dimensions, see the Deployment Template Usage Guide.
  • Run emgr_update with an --action of set_post_forge_dims. Specify the following values for parameters:
    Parameter What to specify
    --host The machine name and port for the machine running Merchandising Workbench
    --app_name The application name whose instance configuration you want to transfer the dimensions file to
    --post_forge_file The path and name of the file that contains the post-Forge dimensions

#. solution
emgr_update --host localhost:8888 --app_name TestApp --action set_post_forge_dims --post_forge_file ../data/forge_output/TestApp.dimensions.xml

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